C# – SQL CE unspecified error

cnetsql-server-cevisual studiovisual-studio-2005

I did a project with MS SQL Server CE that when installed in the 'costumer' machine just raises an unspecified excpetion.

Did some research and looks like I did everything mentioned. The dev env has sql compact 3.5 installed and sql tools for vs 2005. Using dotNet 3.5. But to make it run in de dev machine I need to add the sqlcese30, sqlceqp30, sqlceme and sqlcecompact30 dlls and its works fine.

The setup project put dotNet 2.0 as dependecy and I also added the dlls but it raises the exception and I cannot see where or what it is. Its just a single 'unspecified error' message.

please help 🙂

Best Answer

Have you tried using the SQL CE re-distributable installer on the customer machine?

You can add SQL CE 3.5 as a pre-requisite to the setup project. If it is not already in the list, copy the SQL Server Compact Edition directory from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\BootStrapper\Packages and restart Visual Studio 2005.

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