C# – SQL Server RowVersion

clinqnetsqlsql server

Quick question Re: Implementation of RowVersion.

I am looking to include it in my next database (Designing it now) and I am pondering 2 different ways:

  1. RowVersion row in all tables
  2. A separate RowVersion table which has the ID of the table as a foreign key and linked to it.

Anyone tried this? If so what pitfalls or pro's did you experience?

I will be using LINQ to access the data using C# 2008 and SQL Server 2008.



Best Answer

If you are using LINQ to SQL then it is a good practice to include a timestamp / rowversion column for each entity table, as this allows LINQ to use optimistic concurrency very easily and results in slightly better performance for updates (as LINQ only has to query the timestamp column and does not have to compare other columns for changes).

So go for the first option. The second option is a non-starter, really.