C++ – Statically linked, correctly working readline library under Windows


We're developing a C++ software package which depends on the GNU readline library and we usually build using gcc (requiring at least version 4). Now we would like to port this to Windows, obtaining a statically linked version which we can redistribute without requiring compilation by users.

I've tried several approaches:

  • Building using Cygwin (no go with the provided readline combined with -mno-cygwin or a MinGW compiler),
  • Building using MinGW and readline from GnuWin32 (unresolved dependencies to stat64, which I could not resolve),
  • Building using MinGW and building readline and required pdcurses from source (most promising approach, got to a static binary! But the obtained interactive shell behaved incorrectly, e.g. backspace was not visualized).

Any ideas how we might get one of the approaches to work?

Best Answer

After similar frustrations, I have just now compiled both a 32bit and 64bit version of libreadline 6.2 using MinGW-w64. Here's my how I did it:

Layout of my dev directory:


Set some environment variables for the 32 bit build:

export CPPFLAGS=-I/c/dev/local32/include
export LDFLAGS=-L/c/dev/local32/lib

termcap 1.3.1.
Run the configure script:

./configure --host=i686-w64_mingw32 --prefix=/c/dev/local32

Edit termcap.c and fix up a few lines at the top. Mine looks like this:

/* Emacs config.h may rename various library functions such as malloc.  */
#include <config.h>

#ifdef emacs

#include <lisp.h>       /* xmalloc is here */
/* Get the O_* definitions for open et al.  */
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
//#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
#include <unistd.h>

#else /* not emacs */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define bcopy(b1,b2,len) (memmove((b2), (b1), (len)), (void) 0)
//char *getenv ();
//char *malloc ();
//char *realloc ();

and tparam.c

/* Emacs config.h may rename various library functions such as malloc.  */
#include <config.h>

#ifdef emacs
#include "lisp.h"       /* for xmalloc */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//char *malloc ();
//char *realloc ();

/* Do this after the include, in case string.h prototypes bcopy.  */
//#if (defined(HAVE_STRING_H) || defined(STDC_HEADERS)) && !defined(bcopy)
#define bcopy(s, d, n) memcpy ((d), (s), (n))

#endif /* not emacs */

Modify the Makefile:

Line 23: CC = i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
Line 24: AR = i686-w64-mingw32-ar
Line 36: prefix = /c/dev/local32
Line 49: #oldincludedir = /usr/local

After that call make install and it should compile without warnings or errors.

readline 6.2
Set the same CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS variables as with termcap before calling:

./configure --prefix=/c/dev/local32 --host=i686-w64-mingw32 --enable-static --enable-shared

Edit the Makefile:

Line 40: AR = i686-w64-mingw32-ar

make install should now compile and install readline!
If you want a 64bit library, replace i686-w64-mingw32 with x86_64-w64-mingw32 and local32 with local64.