C# – Submit a form from code behind


I'm having trouble implementing a functionality on my c#/asp.net app.

I have a form with a RadioButtonList and a submit button.
The RadioButtonList is generated on Page_Load() from a list of objects I retrieve from the database.
I would like to automatically submit the form if there is only 1 object in the list.

I have access to my Form object, to the submit button etc… but I can't seem to find a solution (in the end I'm looking for a kind of form.Submit() ) method.

Does anyone have an idea of how I could do this ?

Thanks in advance !

EDIT >> Here is the code :

.aspx : http://pastebin.com/0E6T7dqH

.aspx.cs : http://pastebin.com/54payZJP

EDIT2 >>>

As it seems there is no way to do what I wanted to do at first, I ended up using a session variable with a response.redirect()

Source :

Best Answer

Post happens in the client side. As in Page_Load you are currently executing in the server side, just call the code you want to execute on post.

Edit: For actually going to another aspx

public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    if(!IsPostback && OnlyOneItem) {

Server.Transfer will maintain the entire request, so your post data will be available.
