C# – Sum of Column Values in Table – Rdlc report


I have a Table in Rdlc report with 6 Columns and a dataset. A dll is added ( referenced ) to the Report, named RepHlpr.dll. This dll have a shared function GetPar which calculates and gets data from other databases. Column Amount is working fine and getting data as per the expression, As :

Expression Value of Column

While getting Sum of Copper and HP, Everything Works fine because these column gets values from dataset.

I am getting problem to get Sum of Values of Amount. I have tried Expressions :


Sum Of Amount Column

But Its showing Error : Textbox48 ( in which above expression is coded ) uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers.
Is there any way to get Sum of Column Amount ?

Best Answer

You can apply Sum on your formula of that textbox instead of trying to apply it on the value of textbox:

=Sum(Code.YourMethod(Fields!Filed1.Value, Fields!Filed2, otherParam), "YourDataSetName")

For example if name of your report data set is "DataSet1"

Sum(RepHlpr.RepHlpr.GetPar("Amt", Fields!hp.Value, Fields!make.Value), "DataSet1")


I created a Code function:

Public Function Multiply(ByVal value As Integer, factor As Integer) As Integer
    Return value * factor
End Function

Then I set expression for my extra column that is not data bound:

=Code.Multiply(Fields!Price.Value, 2)

Then I added a TextBox and set its Sum expression based on my custom column expression:

=Sum(Code.Multiply(Fields!Price.Value, 2), "DataSet1")

And here is the screenshot:

enter image description here

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