C# – System.TypeLoadException in System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog (C#)


I'm having problem when running my Windows Forms program.

In the program, I have a button that calls OpenFileDialog's ShowDialog() everytime it clicked.

public partial class MyProgram : Form
  private Button myButton;
  private OpenFileDialog openFD;
  private string filePath;
  public MyProgram()
    myButton = new Button();
    openFD = new OpenFileDialog();
    filePath = string.Empty;
    myButton.Text = "Browse";
    myButton.Click += new EventHandler(ShowOpenDialog);
  private ShowOpenDialog(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if(openFD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) // Here
      filePath = openFD.FileName;

But when I run the program, everytime I clicked the "Browse" (myButton) button, I got a "MyProgram has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." error. When I clicked on the "What data does this error report contain?" link, the Error signature contains

EventType : clr20r3     P1 : myprogram.exe     P2 :     P3 : 4a49b0bf
P4 : system.windows.forms     P5 :     P6 : 4889dee7     P7 : 188f     
P8 : 32     P9 : system.typeloadexception

Any idea?

Best Answer

According to MSDN, a TypeLoadException refers to a failure to load a type from an assembly.

I believe that you don't have a suitable version of WinForms installed. What version of .NET and WinForms are you trying to use?

The most basic solution, however, would likely be to reinstall the .NET framework.

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