C# – T4 template for NHibernate? – not Fluent NHibernate


Wondering if anyone knows of a set of T4 templates for generating C# POCO classes and also mapping XML files for NHibernate from a set of tables in a database. I saw that David Hayden has created T4 for generating FluentNH code based upon a DBML model, but I'm not quite ready to use FluentNH yet as there isn't even an official release yet (although I love the idea).

Anyone know of any T4 templates for using plain NHibernate?

Best Answer

May not be the answer you are looking for, but I spent a good amount of time a couple months ago looking everywhere for the same thing. I couldn't find any, though.

Not sure if you're set on using T4 for any particular reason, but I ended up using CodeSmith for code generation because there are several templates already available. There are a handful for MyGeneration, but CodeSmith was much farther along.

NOTE: If you do find some, though, you should post it here as I, and probably other people, would be rabidly interested in finding some well done T4 templates for nHibernate.