C# – TestDriven.net, right click, run test, doesn’t re-build


I am using testDriven.net and when I right-click and run tests, it appears to build, then runs the test. Only it doesn't really do the build. I keep making changes and the test still fails:) I have to do a VS Build, then run the testDriven.net to get changes to take effect.

This clears up for a while if I delete the solution's .SUO file. Any thoughts?

Best Answer

You already provided the workaround in your answer, which is to build first, then run your tests.

Is your version current?

Release Notes - TestDriven.NET: 2.14
1390: Honour the solution 'Configuration Manager' project 'Build' settings
When running all tests in a solution, only projects with 'Build' checked in the 'Configuration Manager' will be built and executed.

Release Notes - TestDriven.NET: 2.12
1199: Improve support for "Smart Build"
This version should correctly determine when a build is required before a test run. The previous version might incorrectly skip the build if only a non-source project item had changed.