C# – Testing and mocking private/protected methods. Many posts but still cannot make one example work

cmoqunit testing

I have seen many posts and questions about "Mocking a private method" but still cannot make it work and not found a real answer.
Lets forget the code smell and you should not do it etc….

From what I understand I have done the following:

1) Created a class Library "MyMoqSamples"

2) Added a ref to Moq and NUnit

3) Edited the AssemblyInfo file and added
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("DynamicProxyGenAssembly2")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyMoqSamples")]

4) Now need to test a private method.Since it's a private method it's not part of an interface.

5) added the following code

public class Can_test_my_private_method
    public void Should_be_able_to_test_my_private_method()
        // TODO how do I test my DoSomthing method?

public class CustomerInfo
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Surname { get; set; }

public interface ICustomerService
    List<CustomerInfo> GetCustomers();

public class CustomerService : ICustomerService
    public List<CustomerInfo> GetCustomers()
        return new List<CustomerInfo> { new CustomerInfo { Surname = "Bloggs", Name = "Jo" } };

    protected virtual void DoSomething()

Could you provide me an example on how you would test my private method?
Thanks a lot

Best Answer

The steps you're describing set Moq up to test internal classes and members so have nothing really to do with testing a protected or private method

Testing private methods is a bit of a smell, you should really test just the public API. If you feel that the method is really important and needs to be tested in isolation perhaps it deserves to be in its own class where it can then be tested on its own?

If your heart is set on testing the protected method above you can roll your own Mock in your test assembly:

public class CustomerServiceMock : CustomerService {
    public void DoSomethingTester() {
         // Set up state or whatever you need


public void DoSomething_WhenCalled_DoesSomething() {
    CustomerServiceMock serviceMock = new CustomerServiceMock(...);

If it was private you could probably do something dodgy with reflection but going that route is the way to testing hell.


While you've given sample code in your question I don't really see how you want to "test" the protected method so I'll come up with something contrived...

Lets say your customer service looks like this:-

 public CustomerService : ICustomerService {

      private readonly ICustomerRepository _repository;

      public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository repository) {
           _repository = repository;

      public void MakeCustomerPreferred(Customer preferred) {

      protected virtual void MakePreferred(Customer customer) {
          // Or more than likely some grungy logic
          customer.IsPreferred = true;

If you wanted to test the protected method you can just do something like:-

public class CustomerServiceTests {

     CustomerServiceTester customerService;
     Mock<ICustomerRepository> customerRepositoryMock;

     public void Setup() {
          customerRepoMock = new Mock<ICustomerRepository>();
          customerService = new CustomerServiceTester(customerRepoMock.Object);

     public class CustomerServiceTester : CustomerService {    
          public void MakePreferredTest(Customer customer) {

          // You could also add in test specific instrumentation
          // by overriding MakePreferred here like so...

          protected override void MakePreferred(Customer customer) {
              CustomerArgument = customer;
              WasCalled = true;

          public Customer CustomerArgument { get; set; }
          public bool WasCalled { get; set; }

     public void MakePreferred_WithValidCustomer_MakesCustomerPreferred() {
         Customer customer = new Customer();
         Assert.AreEqual(true, customer.IsPreferred);

     // Rest of your tests

The name of this "pattern" is Test specific subclass (based on xUnit test patterns terminology) for more info you might want to see here:-


Based on your comments and previous question it seems like you've been tasked with implementing unit tests on some legacy code (or made the decision yourself). In which case the bible of all things legacy code is the book by Michael Feathers. It covers techniques like this as well as refactorings and techniques to deal with breaking down "untestable" classes and methods into something more manageable and I highly recommend it.

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