C# – the best way to display a ‘loading’ indicator on a WPF control


In C#.Net WPF During UserControl.Load ->

What is the best way of showing a whirling circle / 'Loading' Indicator on the UserControl until it has finished gathering data and rendering it's contents?

Best Answer

I generally would create a layout like this:

    <Grid x:Name="MainContent" IsEnabled="False">

    <Grid x:Name="LoadingIndicatorPanel">

Then I load the data on a worker thread, and when it's finished I update the UI under the "MainContent" grid and enable the grid, then set the LoadingIndicatorPanel's Visibility to Collapsed.

I'm not sure if this is what you were asking or if you wanted to know how to show an animation in the loading label. If it's the animation you're after, please update your question to be more specific.