C# – There was an error reflecting type – XML Serialization issue


I have a Dictionary object which needs to be written into an XML file.
The dictionary contains String type as Key and a custom class's Object (Deriving from System.Windows.Forms.Control ) as Value.

namespace SharpFormEditorDemo
    public static class common

    public static Dictionary<String,CommonControl > dicControls = new Dictionary<string, CommonControl>();

    public static Object objSelected = new Object();
    public static int ctrlId = 0;

    //The serialization and Deserialization methods.
    public static void Serialize(XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter,Dictionary<String,CommonControl> dic)
        ControlSerializer file = new ControlSerializer(dic);
        XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ControlSerializer));
        xmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, file);


The class CommonControl is like this

namespace SharpFormEditorDemo

public class CommonControl : System.Windows.Forms.Control 

    //private List<String> controls;
    private String sql;
    private int minVal; //Minimum value for a field
    private int maxVal; //Maximum value for a field
    private string displayValue; //Display Value        
    private string keyValue; //Key Value
    private string clickEvent; //Click event
    private string selectedIndexChangeEvent; //Combo box event.
    private string validateEvent; //Validated event.

    public string SelectedIndexChangeEvent
        get { return selectedIndexChangeEvent; }
        set { selectedIndexChangeEvent = value; }

    public string ClickEvent
        get { return clickEvent; }
        set { clickEvent = value; }

    public string ValidateEvent
        get { return validateEvent; }
        set { validateEvent = value; }

    public string KeyValue
        get { return keyValue; }
        set { keyValue = value; }

    public string DisplayValue
        get { return displayValue; }
        set { displayValue = value; }

    public int MinVal
        get { return minVal; }
        set { minVal = value; }

    public int MaxVal
        get { return maxVal; }
        set { maxVal = value; }

    public String Sql
        get { return sql; }
        set { sql = value; }

    //public List<String> Controls
    //    get { return controls; }
    //    set { controls = value; }

The class CommonControl is a deriving from Controls class.

What I want to do is to write the Above said dictionary to an XML file.

public class ControlSerializer : ISerializable
    public ControlSerializer()

    private Dictionary<String, CommonControl> dicCtrl;

    public Dictionary<String, CommonControl> DicCtrl
        get { return dicCtrl; }
        set { dicCtrl = value; }

    public ControlSerializer(Dictionary<String, CommonControl> dic)
        this.DicCtrl = dic;

    public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
        throw new NotImplementedException();


for that I'm using the ControlSerializer class

And in calling it like this

            XmlTextWriter xlw = new XmlTextWriter(@"D:\Test.xml", null);
            common.Serialize(xlw, common.dicControls);
        catch (Exception exShow)

The problem is that I'm getting an exception saying
"There was an error reflecting type 'SharpFormEditorDemo.ControlSerializer'."

But I'm getting the type using typeof operator. Baffled on why this is happening. Sorry If I'm too lengthy but wanted to give the full picture.


Best Answer

Generic dictionaries cannot be XmlSerialized. The error you get is caused by the public property DicCtrl.

  • Use the [XmlIgnore] attribute to skip this property when serializing (which is probably not what you want).
  • Change the type of the property to a type that can be serialized e.g. List<T>
  • Find or implement a serializable dictionary
  • Or implement IXmlSerializable

BTW the [Serializable] attribute is only needed for binary serialization. You do not need it for Xml serialization.

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