C# – TransactionScope – TransactionAbortedException – The transaction has aborted


I've code like that:

class Importer 
    private DatabaseContext m_context;

    public: Importer() 
        m_context = new DatabaseContext();
        m_context.CommandTimeout = 5400; //This is seconds

    public bool Import (ref String p_outErrorMsg) 
        List<SomeData> dataToImport = new List<SomeData>();
        getSomeData(ref dataTiImport);

        bool result = false;

            using(TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0))) 
            { //Two hours timeout
                result = importDatas(dataToImport);
                if (result == true) 
        catch (TransactionAbortedException ex)
            p_outErrorMsg = String.Format("TransactionAbortedException Message: {0}", ex.Message);
        catch (ApplicationException ex) 
            p_outErrorMsg = String.Format("ApplicationException Message: {0}", ex.Message);

    bool importDatas(List<SomeData> p_DataToImport) 
        foreach (SomeData data in p_DataToImport) 
        { //There can be somehitg about 3000 iterations
            if (!importSimpleData(data)) 
                return false;
            return true;

    bool importSimpleData(SomeData p_Data) 
        //creation some object o1
        catch (Exception e) 
            //Error handlig
            return false

        //creation some object o2
        o2.id_o1 = o1.id_o1;
        catch (Exception e) 
            //Error handlig
            return false

        //creation some object o3
        o3.id_o2 = o2.id_o2;
        catch (Exception e) 
            //Error handlig
            return false

        //creation some object o4
        o4.id_o1 = o1.id_o1;
        catch (Exception e) 
            //Error handlig
            return false

        return true;

And if List has 500 records, all is writing fine.
But when the list is near to 1000, I've always exception:
TransactionAbortedException.Message = "the transaction has aborted".

Firstly I think that timeout was to small so I did introduce to code this two lines:

m_context.CommandTimeout = 5400; //This is seconds (1.5 hour)

using(TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0))) { //Two hours timeout

As you can see in presented above code.

The same exception still occurs, did I miss something?
What do I do wrongly?
I have to add that data base is remote (not local)

Thanks in advance for the help!

Best Answer

I'd have to dig up the documentation again, but setting a transaction timeout to 2 hours may not be happening for you. There is a cap on how long the transaction timeout can be that comes down through machine.config and if you specify more than that cap, it quietly ignores you.

I ran into this a long time ago, and found a reflection-based way to tweak that setting here by Matt Honeycutt to make sure you're really getting the timeout you specify.