C# – Treeview prevent Node collapse


I have a .net 2.0 C# Project.
I have a Treeview with 2 Nodes, each of them has many child nodes.
When you click on a child node, a PDF is displayed in a webbrowser control depending on the properties of the node.
Fine, but the problem is that when both Nodes are expanded, and I click on a child node, the other node gets collapsed! I don't have any code that collapses any node of the treeview, but somehow it happens! I also had a look at the BeforeCollapse Event, but somehow it doesn't fire, alltough the other node collapses!

Can anyone imagine why this happens?
I would be very grateful if anyone can teach me how to prevent this happening!

Thank you very much!

Best Answer

I stopped using the WinForms TreeView some time ago because of it's limits and quirks.

My favorite replacement is the open-source TreeViewAdv:

TreeViewAdv on Source Forge

TreeViewAdv on CodeProject

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