C# – Update property in object collection with linq


Have a list of objects with the object structure as following

public class Schedule
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Schedule() {}

Executing a linq query on data I can see properly populated list of objects

var schedule = (from d in data 
                select new Schedule
                    ID = d.id,
                    Name = "" 

later in code I want to change property Name depends on a condition. A few examples I found

schedule.ForEach(s => { s.Name = "Condition Name"; });
schedule.Select(s => { s.Name = "Condition name"; return s; });

after execution leave Name parameter "null" when I refresh schedule in the watch window.
Can anyone see what's wrong with this?

Looping through collection and trying to change Property doesn't change it either

   foreach (var sch in schedule)
       sch.Name = "New name";

schedule.ToList()[0].Name == ""


.ToList() call in the snippet below is important to make code work.

var schedule = (from d in data 
                select new Schedule
                    ID = d.id,
                    Name = "" 

Best Answer

Your LINQ query that assigns a value to schedule creates independent objects based on the original collection (it effectively clones the objects); changing the properties of the clones does not change the original objects.