C# – user control event handler lost on postback


I have a menu usercontrol called LeftMenu that has a bulletedlist of linkitems. It's on the ascx page as such:

<asp:BulletedList ID="PublisherList" DisplayMode="LinkButton" OnClick="PublisherList_Click" cssClass="Menu" runat="server"></asp:BulletedList>

I databind the list in the page_load under if(!isPostBack)

I'm having an issue on a page that loads the control. When the page first loads, the event handler fires. However, when the page posts back it no longer fires and in IE8, when I'm debugging, I get "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected" in Visual Studio pointing at "__doPostBack('LeftMenu$PublisherList','0')." In FF I don't get the error, but nothing happens. I'm not loading the control dynamically, it's loaded on the aspx page using:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="Standards" TagName="LeftMenu" Src="LeftMenu.ascx" %>

<Standards:LeftMenu ID="LeftMenu" runat="server"/>

Any ideas of where I'm losing the event handler?

I just realized this is happening on another user control I have as well. A text box and a button and I'm using the default button to make sure pressing the enter key uses that button. .Net converts that in the html to:

 <div id="SearchBarInclude_SearchBar" onkeypress="javascript:return WebForm_FireDefaultButton(event, 'SearchBarInclude_QuickSearchButton')">

so as soon as i enter a key in the box I get a javascript error at the line saying "object expected." It seems like the two issues are related.

Edit Again: I think I need to clarify. It's not that I'm clicking on the menu item and it can't find the selected item on postback. I have this search page with the left navigation on it and then the main content of the page is something that causes a postback. Everything is fine with this postback. Once that page has been posted back, now if I click on the bulleted list in the left navigation I get a javascript error and it fails. The page_init for the LeftMenu control is never called.

Best Answer

It sounds like you might be losing the click because you are not DataBinding the list on PostBack. Therefore, the post back is trying to refer to a control (a specific bulleted list item) that does not exist.

You should try binding the list again on PostBack just to see if that fixes your issue. BUT, what should REALLY happen is that the LeftMenu and the BulletedList should store their information into ViewState so that you can ensure that the data that was shown to the user on their initial page load is the same data that the PostBack is processing and working with.

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