C# – Using EntityFramework dbContext to get records with count in another table


I am using EntityFramework 4.3.1 and Database first with dbcontext.

Let's say I have 2 tables:
with a 1 to many relationship between Customer and Order.

I have two queries that I want to run using EntityFramework to get back specific information for different web pages.

The first is:
Get all Customers who have placed orders since a specific date.

So, the plain SQL for this query might be something like:

SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID IN (
   SELECT CustomerID FROM Order WHERE OrderDate > '01-01-2012'

I can't figure out how to do this in EntityFramework.

I started with the following code, but can't figure out where to go from here.

var customersWithOrdersAfterGivenDate = this._dbContext.Customer
   .Where(c => ??? What do I do here ??? );

I tried to do (c.Order.OrderDate > someDate), but this doesn't work because I can't get the OrderDate property from Order since EntityFramework is treating Order as a collection.

The second problem is:
Get the total number of orders for a given collection or Customers

The plain SQL for this query might look like:

FROM Order
WHERE CustomerID IN (*someCollectionOfIDs*)

Again, I have no idea how to do this in EntityFramework. How do I get only the CustomerID and the total count of records for the CustomerID from the Order table? I can't figure out how to do a group by so that it doesn't just return every single order record for each customer.


Here's my final code after feedback from Eli.

To get Customers with Orders that were created after a given date:

var customerIDs = dbContext.Customer
   .Where(c => c.Order.Any(o => o.DateCreated.CompareTo(startDate) > 0))
   .Select(s => new
   .Select(cust => cust.CustomerID)

To get total count of Orders for each Customer in a given collection of Customers:

List<int> customerIDs = GetCustomerIDsToQuery();

var orderTotals = dbContext.Orders
   .Where(o => customerIDs.Contains(o.CustomerID))
   .GroupBy(o => o.CustomerID)
   .Select(o => new
         CustomerID = o.Key,
         TotalOrders = o.Count()

From the above, I can iterate through the collection and get the values from the anonymous type:

foreach(var ot in orderTotals)
   var customerID = ot.CustomerID;
   var totalOrders = ot.TotalOrders;
   //Do something with these values...

Best Answer

Your SQL also contains a nested collection, so your LINQ will be the same. Something along the lines of .Where(c => c.Orders.Any(order => order.OrderDate > someDate));

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