C# – Viewstate and controls in ASP.NET


I posted a question a couple of days ago about viewstate and after running some tests I have come to some conclusions/results. Based on these results I have a few questions as to how someone would do certain things.

Here are the results of my tests that I ran:

  1. If usercontrolA is loaded from OnInit of a Page, then his viewstate will be available in OnLoad. All other controls that usercontrolA loads from it's OnInit, will have their viewstate ready in their OnLoad.
  2. If usercontrolA is loaded from OnLoad of a Page, then his viewstate will be available in OnPreRender. All other controls that usercontrolA loads from it's OnLoad, will have their viewstate available in their OnPreRender.
  3. If usercontrolA is loaded from an event (Example: button click. Events fire after OnLoad and before OnPreRender) of a Page, then his viewstate will not be available. All other controls that usercontrolA loades will not have their viewstate available.

So in a perfect world you would always load all controls using situation #1, so that their viewstate is available on their OnLoad. Unfortunately when you need to load a control from a button click or from a OnLoad, is there no way for control to get its viewstate before OnPreRender stage?

I have read a bunch of articles on viewstate and thought I understood it, but working on my current application which loads usercontrols which load other usercontrols, I am having a real hard time with being able to get viewstate on my leaf (last in the chain) usercontrol.

Any suggestions and/or links are appreciated.

Best Answer

I don't think I can add anything that this article doesn't cover.

Look specifically at the Life Cycle Events section.
