C# – Visual Studio 2008 crashes when opening solutions in a TortiseSVN directory? How to fix this


I'm using TortiseSVN for my subversion client on a Windows Server 2008 box and I've got a folder with code checked out into it.

When I go to open the solution file that's under source control Visual Studio 2008 starts and before it can even finish loading the solution from what I can tell Visual Studio crashes. I'm trying to open a solution that has VB code in it. It gives no error messages or warnings. It's just gone.

I have checked the files and they all seem fine. The solution file seems fine when I look at it with a text editor.

This is also Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and I've got all the latest .NET service packs installed.

Has anyone else seen this before and know how to fix it?

Edit: I just did an SVN export to a new directory and it still crashes in the exported directory where there is no longer any SVN attached to it.

Additionally, it crashes EVERY time I try to open the project that came from SVN.

Best Answer

I had a similar problem and I fixed it and afterwards I wasn't quite sure how I managed it.

It basically involved going to the tools/options menu and setting the source control plugin to none. However, I obviously had to have had the solution open in Visual Studio if doing this was to fix the solution, but yet I thought the problem was I could not open the solution.

The only possible scenario would be if I was able to open the solution, but not open any of the projects inside it, hence able to change the source control settings immediately after opening the solution.

Does that make sense?