C# – Visual Studio 2008 debugging issue


I'm working in VS 2008 and have three projects in one solution. I'm debugging by attaching to a .net process invoked by a third party app (SalesLogix, a CRM app).

Once it has attached to the process and I attempt to set a breakpoint in one of the projects, it doesn't set a breakpoint in that file. It actually switches the current tab to another file in another project and sets a breakpoint in that document. If the file isn't open, it even goes so far as to open it for me. I can't explain this. I've got no clue. Anyone seen such odd behavior? I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't seeing it myself.

A little more info: if I set a breakpoint before attaching, it shows the "red dot" and says no symbols loaded…no problem…I expect that. When I attach and invoke my .net code from SalesLogix and switch back to VS, my breakpoint is completely gone (not even a warning that the source doesn't match the debug file). When I attempt to manually load the debug file, then I get a message that the symbol file does not match the module. The .pdb and the .dll are timestamped the same, so I'm stumped.

Anyone have any ideas?



Best Answer

I saw this functionality in older versions of VS.Net (2003 I think). It may still exist in current versions, but I haven't encountered it. Seems that files with the same name, even in different directories confuse VS.Net, and it ends up setting a break point in a file with the same name. May only happen if the classes in the file both have the same name also. So much for namespaces I guess.

You also may want to check your build configuration to make sure that all the projects are in fact building in debug mode. I know I've been caught a couple times when the configuration got changed somehow for the solution, and some projects weren't compiling in debug mode.