C# – Visual studio 2008 & nant , msbuild how we use this for automate? Is nant work for vs2008


I am working on a windows as well as web projects. We currently use Visual Studio to build our solution using visual studio 2008.

I would like to move to a more powerful build system such as Nant or MsBuild for atomate.

What are the ways & how i do this?

Currntly we use Visual source safe & mercurial(hg) as source control
How does this all integrate with Source Control?

Help me all the ways..

Best Answer

Last time I checked, NAnt didn't support VS2008 project files properly.

I personally like using NAnt as the general build controller, but delegating to MSBuild for the core "build the code into assemblies" part. This has worked well for me in Protocol Buffers, for example.

I don't know about using either VSS or Hg from NAnt, but I'd be very surprised if there weren't adapters available. Where do you need to integrate source control with the build, is it for version numbers, continuous integration, or something else? You may find that whatever continuous integration server you're using can handle the source control aspect itself, and that your build file doesn't need to know about it.