C# – Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate IntelliSense doesn’t work well when code has error

cintellisensevisual studiovisual studio 2012

I use visual studio 2012 update 1. When I compiled my code I have an error and on this error IntelliSense doesn't work any way. I used CTRL+SPACE but nothing shown. I thought I should use it from menu but either nothing shown again.

What's a problem? Is it about visual studio? How can I fix it?

Best Answer

Tools -> Options-> Text Editor-> C# or All Languages -> General and then check/enable Auto List Members and Parameter Information

enter image description here

If that isn't work Delete the files under the this folder:


If that isn't work also, I thins you have no chioce. Start to think reset your settings following first TOOLS -> Settings -> Import and Export Settings for saving old settings.

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