C# – Visual Studio Auto-Format Broken


I'm running Visual Studio 2008 sp1 on Windows 7 Build 7100 32bit.

I've never had this problem before, even on different installs of Windows 7 RC.

when I finish a statement with a ';' or '}' or something, normally VS will auto format that line or block of code. It hasn't been for me.

I checked Tools->Options->Text Editor->C#->Formatting->General, and the 3 "Auto Format" check boxes are checked already. When I press the hot key to auto-format, it formats the source as expected.

Anyone have any idea why it's doing this?

What I have installed that might have something to do with this:
VS2008 SP1
SQL Server 2008 sp1
Office 2007

Thanks for the help

Best Answer

I think I found what I did wrong. I changed the tab settings from Smart to Block. Apparently, the smart tabs setting is what triggers the autocomplete when you close a block or toss in a ;