C# – Visual Studio C# IntelliSense not automatically displaying

cintellisensevisual studio 2010

Just recently, my Visual Studio 2010 stopped displaying IntelliSense suggestions automatically while I am typing. I can still press ctrl+space to get it to work, but it doesn't automatically show a list of suggestions like it used to. I have already tried disabling all my extensions, restarting VS and the computer, and I have checked all the appropriate settings (Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> IntelliSense) to make sure that it is set to offer suggestions after a character is typed.

Has anyone seen this behavior before? Does anyone have any other suggestions for how I can get IntelliSense to go back to the way things were before? If not, I might just have to do a fresh reinstall of VS…

Best Answer

enter image description here

In prose, in case you can't see the above image:

Open Tools > Options > Text Editor. If you're only having this issue with one language, find that language; if it's for everything, click "All Languages". Right at the top, there'll be a few options labeled "Auto list members", "Hide advanced members", and "Parameter information". Make sure all of those are enabled (though the second may be disabled; if so, ignore it).

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