C# – VSTO 2003-2010 add-in compatibility


I want to create an Office add-in compatible with Office 2003, 2007 and 2010. VS2008 allows for add-in 2003/2007 creation while VS2010 allows 2007/2010. I have both installed.

I have developed 2007/2010 add-ins before as a 2007 add-in that worked automatically with Office 2010.

The problem I am facing now is the lack of ribbon interface in Office 2003 and how to structure the project so that a single add-in is compatible with Office 2003-2010.

Considering differences between various Office versions (especially 2003 to 2007/2010) is it at all possible to have a single add-in for all?

Best Answer

Using VSTO, you'll probably need different add-ins (see the table of compatibility in the English Wikipedia article about VSTO).

If (1) you need to bring your solution rapidly to the market, and if (2) you have reasons to belief that your codebase will need frequent updates in the future, you may consider to use a third-party tool like Add-in Express, which lets you create what you need with less headaches.

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