C# – VSTO: invoking on main Excel thread


I have a button on an Excel sheet which starts a new thread to do some processing. If I want to make any changes to Excel (e.g. write data to a cell using Worksheet.Range("A1").Value = "info";), I think I must use the main UI thread.

How can this be done?

Typically in Winforms I would call Invoke on a control, but the Excel.Application or Worksheet or Range objects don't have an Invoke method.

Best Answer

That work doesn't 'need' to be done on the UI thread, .net will marshal the call for you, but if you make repeated calls from a background thread you may hit performance issues.

But to answer your question specifically, if you have .net 3.5, in your add-in load event add this:

Dispatcher _dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;

And then add:

public Dispatcher Dispatcher { get {return _dispatcher;} }

Then you can dispatch to the UI thread by going


If you don't have .net 3.5, then there are a few other thread synchronisation techniques, like using SynchronizationContext.Current instead of the Dispatcher.