C# – Web Deployment Projects tool in VS 2008


When we install Web Deployment Projects tool, we also have an option to use it inside VS 2008. By selecting Property Pages we are presented with several options for configuring compilation options.One of Property Pages dialog boxed is named Output Assemblies. It presents us with the following options:

* Merge all outputs to single assembly

I assume this option doesn’t compile tag files?!

* Merge all pages and control outputs to a single assembly

Now how does this option differ from Merge all outputs to single assembly?At first I thought this option also pre-compiles tag files, but then why would output also contain aspx files, if they are already pre-compiled?!

* Create a separate assembly for each page and control output

I thought this option also compiled aspx pages, but then why would would output also contain aspx files, if they were already pre-compiled?!


Best Answer

This is just a front-end to the aspnet_merge tool with different switches, the MSDN doc explains the options and what they do.