C++ – What’s the use of the private copy constructor in c++


Why do people define a private copy constructor?

When is making the copy constructor and the assignment operator private a good design?

If there are no members in the class which are pointers or handles to a unique object (like file name), then wat other cases are there where private copy constructor is a good idea?

Same question apply for assignment operator. Given that majority of C++ revolves around copying of objects and passing by reference, are there any good designs which involve private copy constructor?

Best Answer

One use case is the singleton pattern where there can only be exactly one instance of a class. In this case, you need make your constructors and assignment operator= private so that there is no way of creating more than one object. The only way to create an object is via your GetInstance() function as shown below.

// An example of singleton pattern
class CMySingleton
  static CMySingleton& GetInstance()
    static CMySingleton singleton;
    return singleton;

// Other non-static member functions
  CMySingleton() {}                                  // Private constructor
  ~CMySingleton() {}
  CMySingleton(const CMySingleton&);                 // Prevent copy-construction
  CMySingleton& operator=(const CMySingleton&);      // Prevent assignment

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // create a single instance of the class
  CMySingleton &object = CMySingleton::GetInstance();

  // compile fail due to private constructor
  CMySingleton object1;
  // compile fail due to private copy constructor
  CMySingleton object2(object);
  // compile fail due to private assignment operator
  object1 = object;

  // ..
  return 0;