C++ – Which install system to pick when deploying to Windows and Linux


My company is thinking of dumping InstallShield and move to something else, mainly because of the poor experience it had with it, mostly on Linux.

Our product is a C++ application (binaries, shared libraries) targeted at Windows and Linux (Red Hat).

The installer itself isn't required to do anything special, just dump some binaries and shared libraries and sometime execute an external process. Things like version upgrading through the installer isn't necessary, this is handled after the installer finishes.

I thought of suggesting using NSIS on Windows and RPM on Linux.

What are the recommended installer systems to use when deploying to Windows/Linux? Something that is cross platform to prevent maintaining two installers is a definite plus.

Best Answer

For Windows I would definitively use NSIS. It's very lightweight, easy to code and very simple to understand. Using msis would just be a killer - it generates guid for every file so you can get upgrades for free and stuff but truth being said, you never end up using any of these.

Regarding Linux I would go for RPM and Deb. They're probably the two biggest packaging system so you'll be targeting most of the Linux users. I've never tried RPM but creating a Deb package is fairly straightforward.