C# – Which tests beside unit tests and continuous integration decision


Some DO facts:

  • two developers in a team
  • we write unit tests (auto run with every build)
  • we use source versioning control system (SVN)
  • we (the two developers) are product managers as well (a classic situation with high risk of product over-engineering)

Some DON'T facts

  • we don't have nightly builds
  • we don't have continuous integration
  • we don't have integration tests
  • we don't have regression tests
  • we don't have acceptance/customer tests
  • we don't have a dedicated tester yet

I read a lot about all these different kinds of tests, but I don't see a reason to write them at the moment. Right now it looks like a plain overhead without any value (edit: work that doesn't seem to add much value at the moment).

Question: What causes will force us to decide to implement any of the don'ts and which ones can/should be automated with which tools/libs?

Best Answer

"What causes will force us to decide to implement any of the don'ts "


Nothing forces you to improve your quality. Many people write code that mostly works most of the time, requires a lot of careful maintenance and their users are mostly satisfied.

That's fine. Some people like it like that. Clearly, since you've characterized practices that lead to high quality as "plain overhead without any value" then you don't need that level of quality and can't foresee ever needing that level of quality.

That's fine.

I don't know how you deliver without doing acceptance testing, but you've stated clearly that you don't. I can't understand how this works, but you seem to be happy with it.

"which ones can/should be automated"

None. This is pretty trivial stuff. You're already using C#'s unit testing. Unit testing, essentially is regression testing. To a degree you can use the same tools and framework for integration and elements of acceptance testing.

There are numerous make-like (ant-like, maven-like, scons-like) tools to do nightly builds.

You don't need any more automation than you have.

"continuous integration" doesn't require tools, just the "plain overhead without any value" of checking stuff in often enough that the build is never broken.

As far as I care, every developer is a tester, so you are all dedicated testers. Many people debate the "dedicated tester" role. I no longer know what this means. It seems to be a person who doesn't produce deliverable code. Don't know why you'd hire someone like that. It makes more sense to simply make everyone responsible for all the testing at all times.

A "dedicated tester" -- who acts as surrogate for the user -- always turns out to be working closely with the business analyst. Since this is how it usually shakes out, they're usually junior business analysts with a focus on the acceptance test. This is a good thing because they have a deliverable: a solved business problem.

I'm never sure what testers deliver. More tests? More bugs? How about making them answerable to the users for assuring that the business problem is solved?

Nothing forces you to do any of this.

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