C++ – Why does stdafx.h work the way it does

cprecompiled-headersstdafx.hvisual studio

As usual, when my brain's messing with something I can't figure out myself, I come to you guys for help 🙂

This time I've been wondering why stdafx.h works the way it does? To my understanding it does 2 things:

  • Includes standard headers which we
    might (?) use and which are rarely changed
  • Work as a compiler-bookmark for when
    code is no longer precompiled.

Now, these 2 things seems like two very different tasks to me, and I wonder why they didn't do two seperate steps to take care of them? To me it seems reasonable to have a #pragma-command do the bookmarking stuff and to optionally have a header-file a long the lines of windows.h to do the including of often-used headers… Which brings me to my next point: Why are we forced to include often-used headers through stdafx.h? Personally, I'm not aware of any often used headers I use that I'm not already doing my own includes for – but maybe these headers are necessary for .dll generation?

Thx in advance

Best Answer

stdafx.h is ONE way of having Visual studio do precompiled headers. It's a simple to use, easy to automatically generate, approach that works well for smaller apps but can cause problems for larger more complex apps where the fact that it encourages, effectively, the use of a single header file it can cause coupling across components that are otherwise independent. If used just for system headers it tends to be OK, but as a project grows in size and complexity it's tempting to throw other headers in there and then suddenly changing any header file results in the recompilation of everything in the project.

See here: Is there a way to use pre-compiled headers in VC++ without requiring stdafx.h? for details of an alternative approach.