C++ – Why does Visual Studio 2008 highlight internal as a keyword in C++ code

cvisual c++visual studio

I'm porting VC++7 codebase to VC++9. Surprisingly Visual Studio 2008 highlights internal as a keyword in C++ code but looks like it is not really treated as such.

What is this – a bug in VS, an environment setting I haven't found yet, or a sign that I will no longer be allowed to use internal as a regular identifier in some upcoming version? What's my best move in this situation?

Best Answer

I am not sure but I think internal specifier can be used in C++/CLI projects. So, since there is only a difference of one project setting between a non C++/CLI project and a C++/CLI Project, therefore, it might be that it is being highlighted because of this reason.

[Edit] Just checked, internal IS a keyword in C++/CLI and generates similar IL to the one generated by a C# project. So, my original thinking seems right. It seems to be a one parser for all flavors of C++ from Microsoft.