C# Windows Forms, Controls on tabs


I have a tabcontrol on my form, on each tab I have a control, each of these controls are similar i.e. they each have a table and a couple buttons and each control is set to Dock Fill

When I view them contols in design view something weird is happening, the first tab that is viewable has it controls placed as you would expect and all is fine, but the second and third tab each the controls appear off centre, overlapping the edges of the tab.

I have experimented with placing different controls on different tabs and it appears that if a control is on the first tab it appears fine, if it is on any other it sometimes appears weird.

The really big problem is that this seems to be appearing at run-time as well, but only sometimes.

I've checked the properties of the controls and the tabs but all seems to be the same.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Kind regards


Best Answer

Seems like a bug to me, make sure you have all the latest updates for Visual Studio.