C# – Windows Mobile – Device to Device via WiFi


Are there any good api's or examples of communicating between two devices via WiFi?

I am programming an app for 600 window's mobile (version 5) devices. They occasionally will need to connect with another device and exchange info.

Each device connects to the internet via GPRS (using the phone line). I could do the communications via that, but it is slow and may not work in all locations (this app will be used nationwide).

Just as an FYI, I also plan to look into bluetooth, but the stack we get on our Symbol Devices (MC70) is the Stonestreet One stack (we cannot change that). It is a very difficult to use stack with no managed code API. Also, it requires manual setup to use. My users will not be very technically inclined.

If there is another way to communicate (ie via the WiFi connection) I would love that.

(Ideally, I would like to be able to programmatically turn on the WiFi, send/receive data and then turn off the WiFi (to save batteries).)

Any help/suggestions are appreciated.

Best Answer

Motorola (who have bought Symbol a few years ago) do release an Enterprise Mobility Developer Kit for .NET CF which also has some libraries for controlling the WLAN on a Symbol MC70. I have worked with this in the past and it seems to work very well. The SDK comes with the full documentation and some sample applications.

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