C# Winforms WebBrowser open links in default browser


I know this has been discussed several times around here but the default behaviour for opening links
clicked in a WebBrowser control does not work for my application.

So while this works as in it opens a link clicked in IE:

private void webBrowser1_Navigating(object sender, WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e)

    e.Cancel = true;

I am using a dropdown list to update the html file that the webBrowser is displaying like so:

private void ddl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
   webBrowser1.Url = myURI;  

Now the problem I'm having is that with the _Navigating method above, the webBrowser does not load any subsequent changes to the URL (thanks to the e.cancel I guess) so it only displays the first html file it loads.

If I remove the _Navigating method it updates fine but then the links open up in the same webBrowser control which is what I do not want.

How can I get it to work both ways?

Best Answer

I hope this can help you.

If you want to open a link in a browser, you can add this simple code:


Remember, there is a lot of information about it. Here in stack Overflow you can take a look in this post: How to open in default browser in C#

If you want to open your link in another browser, you can use this code:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("firefox.exe", "http://www.google.com");

Don't forget to visit this post called: How do I open alternative webbrowser (Mozilla or Firefox) and show the specific url?

And Finally, I could recommend you this stack overtflow post called: .NET C#: WebBrowser control Navigate() does not load targeted URL

I hope this information can help you a little bit.

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