C# – WPF used within a WinForms application, where to put Application resources


At present we host a number of WPF controls in a WinForms application. The application is started using the System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(...) method and WPF controls hosted using the ElementHost.

In a normal WPF application I'd define a System.Windows.Application object (App.xaml) and call run on it. Normally any application level WPF resources would go in there. We don't have this.

How can I specify application level resources for the WPF controls but still run as a WinForms app?

Best Answer

In a hosted environment you do not have easy access to the Application, Dr WPF has a couple of methods for working in a hosted scenario at http://drwpf.com/blog/2007/10/05/managing-application-resources-when-wpf-is-hosted/.

I am personally using his SharedResources class in a work project, VB6 Form hosting Winforms UserControl hosting ElementHost hosting WPF UserControl with a Application wide theme, for the WPF controls.