C# – WPF: Which solution? TabControl with close button and new tab button


I'm trying to find the best solution for a TabControl that both support a close button on each TabItem, and always show a "new tab button" as the last tab.

I've found some half working solutions, but i think that was for MVVM, that I'm not using. Enough to try to understand WPF =)

This is the best solution I've found so far:

A solution that i actually understand. But the problem is that it is using the ItemsSource, and i don't want that. I want to bind the ItemsSource to my own collection without having to have special things in that collection to handle the new tab button.

I've been search for days now but cant find a good solution.
And I'm really new to WPF, otherwise i could probably have adapted the half done solutions I've found, or make them complete. But unfortunately that is way out of my league for now.

Any help appreciated.

Best Answer

I have an open source library which supports MVVM and allows extra content, such as a button to be added into the tab strip. It is sports Chrome style tabs which can tear off.
