C++ – Writing unicode strings in c++ to sqlite DB


I'm currently building a manager game using sqlite and c++. I've found tutorials on covering almost every area needed to create my game but a minor issue has been bugging me for ages.

when I write a string in c++ for example "Andreas Klöden" and uses it with a sqlite statement to insert the data in my sqlite DB the special characters with umlaut ö are lost, this goes for many european names like Léfevre, Würth etc.

I have searched for an answer at it seems that c++ strings are in ANSII or something like that. Somehow I should write unicode strings instead to avoid the issue shown below:


does anyone know how to write unicode strings in c++ so I can export/import the correct data from the sqlite DB?

Best Answer

SQLite "supports" UTF-8 (the quotes are here because basically UTF8 uses only ASCII characters so there is nothing to "support" actually). So one of the best (and also backwards-compatible) ways is to use the UTF-8 encoding. wchar_t support in SQLite is also present, but there is only one reason to use it: if you code already depends on the wchar_t.

Read this if "UTF-8" is not a familiar topic: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html

The call to C API

sqlite_exec(db_conn, "insert somevalue into sometable values(\"utf encoded string\""), NULL, NULL, "error");

would do the job.

The actual conversion can be done manually if you have to support only limited amount of codepages or use the ICU library for full support. There are also libs like http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net/

CodeProject also has a lot of UTF-8 sample codes:


