Can ARM desktop programs be built using visual studio 2012

armvisual studio 2012

I was working with visual studio 2012 beta and my desktop (win32) program compiled fine in ARM architecture.

After upgrading to visual studio 2012 RC, the compiler would not work and spews out the following error:

"Compiling Desktop applications for the ARM platform is not supported"

I found a forum post on this

Is it correct that Microsoft is really cutting off win32 development on ARM?
And that compiling in VS2012 beta was just a fluke?

Best Answer

You can edit the file:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Platforms\ARM\Microsoft.Cpp.ARM.Common.props

In the <PropertyGroup> section add the line:


before </PropertyGroup>

And that's all, you can build ARM desktop apps with VS2012.

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