Cannot get Remote Debugging working with VS2010

remote-debuggingvisual studio 2010windows 7windows-server-2003

I have a server and a workstation on the same corporate domain. My user is a local administrator on both machines. I have Installed the VS2010 version of MSVSMON and set it to run as a service on the server under my user DOMAIN\greg.b (I gave myself "log on as service"). I log onto the server using my domain account and start Remote Debug monitor. I then connect to the server from my Visual Studio. In the monitor on the server I can see

23/09/2010 16:26:33 DOMAIN\greg.b connected.

Then a moment later, I get a dialog from Visual Studio saying

Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named 'SERVER_NAME'. The Visual Studio Remote Debugger on the target computer cannot connect back to this computer. A firewall may be preventing communication via DCOM to the local computer.

I've got the DCOM ports open (TCP 135) on both my workstation and server as detailed here.
I have tried it with the Windows Firewall service turned off.

I'm completely stumped!

The server is running Windows 2003 Standard SP2 32bit running the x86 MSVSMON. My workstation is running Windows 7 Pro 64Bit and VS2010 Pro.

Best Answer

Make sure devenv.exe (visual studio) is in the firewall program exceptions list on the with the DOMAIN checkbox checked!

I was in the same situation, stopped the firewall services running on my machine (win7 x64) but it did not work until I made this change.

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