Cannot open file ‘glew32.lib’

openglvisual studio 2012

I have downloaded built the projects under C:\glew-1.9.0\build\vc6 and C:\glew-1.9.0\build\vc10 and am unable to build after setting visual studio's paths to the glew include and lib paths. The lib directory does NOT have glew32.lib after building glew. What must I do in order to be able to build an opengl project?

Best Answer

You could download binary pack (32 bit or 64 bit) and find already compiled version of glew32.lib in lib folder and all includes?:)

In your OpenGL project open Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies -> add glew32.lib.

Also you must include #include <GL/glew.h> in your sources; For that add path to your glew folder: Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properies -> General -> VC++ Directories -> Include Directories and Library Directories;

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