Can’t Get PHPMyAdmin to recognize configuration file after update(Keep getting blowfish_secret too short error)


I just updated PhpMyAdmin via the command line (i added the PPA manually). I keep getting an error that says "The secret passphrase in configuration (blowfish_secret) is too short. I have created my own file in /etc/phpmyadmin using the command

sudo cp

In this file (my I have set

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'wE(G|]=VPxy}UddLC8[sC1J8y$yElEU]7#_#*1fDas;doifje'; 

And restarted the server with

sudo service apache2 restart

I also restarted the mysql server with

sudo service mysql restart

I am still getting the error telling me that the blowfish_secret key is too short. (Yes, I have tried setting the key to EXACTLY 32 characters as well. This did not work either) I have refreshed the page, cleared the cache. I even tried setting all permissions to 7

sudo chmod -R 777 phpmyadmin

(JUST TO SEE if it would work. Don't kill me for being desperate XD) Still, no avail. Any ideas?

Best Answer

As it turns out, I had to edit


Just put 32 (or more) random characters between the single quotes, like so

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'GGlkGmgpsp]9_[b2lXr5*a$BV4XO1lm+guJU3k(p$9z^9';

NOTE: I didn't think I would need to spell this one out, but your random string CAN NOT contain a single quote....

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