Capturing SOAP message on localhost using Fiddler


I am unable to capture local HTTP traffic when my Java client makes a SOAP request to my local Tomcat instance.

My current configuration is

  • Tomcat instance – run on localhost:8080
  • Local Java client – run from Windows cmd line
  • Fiddler – run on localhost:8888

I used Axis2 wsdl2java to create my client SOAP stub, and used my machines IP address when specifying the WSDL (hosted on Tomcat)

wsdl2java -uri -p sample.axisversion -d adb -s

So, the generated code has lines like this throughout:

  public VersionStub(org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext configurationContext) throws org.apache.axis2.AxisFault {
    this(configurationContext,"" );

My client app uses the generated stub and I set the Java proxy to Fiddler using the following code (which gets called before the SOAP stub is actually used):

System.getProperties().put("proxySet", "true");
System.getProperties().put("proxyHost", "localhost");
System.getProperties().put("proxyPort", "8888");

…but still I don't see any request or response traffic in Fiddler. What's missing?

Best Answer

Instead of localhost, try to use ipv4.fiddler, which makes sure your localhost traffic goes through fiddler. See also:

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