Capybara can’t find link on the page


I'm trying to get my first capybara tests going. I following Ryan Bate's philosophy and putting some functional tests into my controller spec files.

describe UsersController do

  it "can get the home page" do
    get 'home'
    response.body.should include("Login")

  it "should log in" do
    get 'home'
    puts response.body
    response.body.should include("Email")
    response.body.should include("Password")


In it should login I ran into problems so began with just trying to make sure I can find and click the link. No luck. In the test as above I'm just trying to make sure the link exists

The puts response.body produces the following output

  <div id="user_nav">
      <a href="/users/sign_up">Register</a> or <a href="/users/sign_in" id="Login">Login</a>

and I also see the element on the actual page. It seems only my test can't find it. The first test does pass.

 1) UsersController should log in
     Failure/Error: click_link('Login')
       no link with title, id or text 'Login' found
     # (eval):2:in `click_link'
     # ./spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb:14:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

I'm using Rails 3.2, Rpsec 2.11 and Capybara 1.1.2.

(I've already checked the other questions on stackoverflow as well as a few tutorials and screencasts. I can't see any reason it can't find an element given an id tag, but I'm probably missing something obvious.

Best Answer

I think the reason it's not working is that you're using get for what is essentially an integration test. See this post:

If my understanding is correct, you need to use visit in order to use click_link on the page:

it "should log in" do
  visit home_path
  page.should ...

See also this answer on SO: Rspec and capybara, difference between visit and get methods, with regards to the current_path object

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