Catch close/unload event in Actionscript/Flex application


This questin might sound very, very simplistic, yet I have not been able to find an answer, neither on official documentation nor official forums or anywhere.

I am just looking for the event fired when the user closes the application. This event MUST exist, Flash has been around for 11 versions now, I could not imagine there is no such thing…

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Since you're looking for an AIR specific solution; you'll want to take listen for the closing event on your main application tag ( WindowedApplication).

Conceptually something like this:

<s:WindowedApplication closing="onClosing(event)">
   public function onClosing(event:Event):void{
     // execute code here


You may also examine the close event on the same class, or the exiting event on the NativeWindow class. You can access the NativeWindow using something like this:

<s:WindowedApplication creationCompete="onCreationComplete(event)">
   public function onCreationComplete(event:Event):void{
   public function onExiting(event:Event):void{
     // execute code here

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