Celery: list all tasks, scheduled, active *and* finished


Update for the bounty

I'd like a solution that does not involve a monitoring thread, if possible.

I know I can view scheduled and active tasks using the Inspect class of my apps Control.

i = myapp.control.inspect()

currently_running = i.active()
scheduled = i.scheduled()

But I could not find any function to show already finished tasks. I know that this information mus be at least temporarily accessible, because I can look up a finished task by its task_id:

>>> r = my task.AsyncResult(task_id=' ... ')
>>> r.state

How can I get a complete list of scheduled, active and finished tasks? Or possibly a list of all tasks at once?

Best Answer

Celery Flower shows tasks (active, finished, reserved, etc) in real time. It enables to filter tasks by time, workers and types.


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