Change default port for iis-express Visual Studio 2015 for WEB SITE project


Spend a lot of time looking for this one, here what I've found so far:

Change default iis express port

change default iis for web application

I have a web site in visual studio 2015 (aspx)
I want to change the default port. No way to do it.
Here are some hints – that used to work, or works for web application but this is not the case.
no csproj file, changing applicationhost.config did not help either.

Best Answer

Do a File-Search for files containing that port number. Doing so yielded these results for me:

.sln file - VWDPort seems like the most important one

.sln file - 3 results found Virtual Directory setup, which probably doesn't matter as much, but I changed that also. It looks like ...\localhost_[portNumber]

applicationhost.config - specifies 2 places with binding to *.[portNumber]:localhost

VWDPort may be the only one required, but I changed those I found anyway.