Change Sharepoint main page name without changing URL


I have a SharePoint website, my main page is on mySiteRoot/Pages/default.aspx (quite normal until here I think) but the problem is that the name in the browser tab is also "default".

I want to change the name displaying in the tab without changing the name of the .aspx file, but despite all my searches I can't find it on SharePoint.

Does someone have a solution ?

Best Answer

Each page in SharePoint should have a Name and a Title. The Name refers to the filename of the page, and thus affects the page's URL (in your case, "default.aspx").

The Title is independent of the page Name, and this is what is displayed in the browser title bar / tab.

To edit an existing page, the easiest thing to do is to navigate to Site Actions > View All Site Content. Under the "Document Libraries" area, locate and open the "Pages" library. In the library, find "default" and from either its context menu or the ribbon, select "Edit Properties". There you can change the Title to whatever you want.