Changing Color Themes Emacs 24 — order matters


In emacs 24, the order that color themes are applied seems to matter. This is obvious if you do M-x color-theme-select. The order that you ic

Does anybody have any insight into this issue?

I'd like to be able to switch between the following color themes without restarting:

  1. solarized-light
  2. solarized-dark
  3. zenburn
  4. railscasts

I guess I need the equivalent of a css-reset for emacs.
One other tip that is invaluable is that if you use evil, then you need this line or else your cursor stays black, which is horrible for the dark themes:

(setq evil-default-cursor t) 

This is a related issue: Switching between color themes in Emacs ( < v.24). I am using Emacs 24.0. I'm posting this question because I'm looking for workaround for pre 24.1, or maybe advice if 24.1 is stable enough.

Best Answer

It seem to me that even on Emacs 24 you're still using the old (and unmaintained) color-theme package. Emacs 24 has a built-in color theming infrastructure (and themes like zenburn and solarized have been ported to it) that I'd suggest you use instead. Have a look here for details on deftheme and friends.

То answer your particular question about color-theme - themes usually do not define every face that a previous theme might have tweaked and that causes your problems. Moving to the default theme between themes might probably be considered similar to a css reset.

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