Classic ASP and UTF-8

asp-classiccharacter encodingutf-8

I'm changing my application to work with utf-8 pages.
So every ASP page has this code

Response.CodePage = 65001 
Response.CharSet = "utf-8"


<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />

I saved all documents in Visual Studio 2013 with encode UTF-8 (without signature) 65001.

This is working fine when I write special characters in HTML like this:


But when I write in VBScript (classic ASP) it's not working and the special characters are messy. I can fix them by saving the document (.asp) with encode UTF-8 (with signature) 65001.

So, my questions are:

  • Do I have to use this encoding (with signature) on every page?
  • What kind of problems could I have with it?

Best Answer

You need to set the @Codepage directive for each .asp file. We are using a generic #include file that is included first on every page and has the following lines up front:

<%@Codepage = 65001 %>
<% Option explicit %>
<% Response.Codepage = 65001 %>

See more info about the Codepage directive here (Remarks section). The linked page is about Session.Codepage which might also get interesting for you if you want to use the built-in Session.

Saving all files with BOM is not a requirement for IIS, we have all files saved without BOM working properly.

A note from my experience, after working with ASP for many a year: we had sometimes problems with BOMs of source files sneaking into the generated output, which lead to problems in AJAX/JSON responses. The remedy was to use a Response.Clear before writing output.