Clear Date Selection using Primefaces Calendar


Is there any way to clear the date selection using prime faces calendar?

<p:calendar pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" navigator="true" id="endDate" for="endDate"
readonlyInput="true" mindate="#{manageMarketingProgramsBean.currentDate}" showOn="button">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" timeZone="America/New_York" />

I have readonlyInput="true" because I dont want user to type the date. I force them to pick the date from the calendar, there needs to be another way to provide user the ability to clear the date selected. Please let me know how can I achieve this?

Best Answer

The first approach that comes into my mind would be:

<p:calendar readonlyInput="true" widgetVar="calendarWidget"/>     
<p:commandButton value="Reset" onclick="calendarWidget.setDate(null)"/>   
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